PDF Walk On From Pee Wee Dropout to the NFL SidelinesMy Unlikely Story of Football Purpose and Following an Amazing God Ben Malcolmson Patti McCord Pete Carroll 9780735291270 Books

By Sally Rowland on Thursday, May 23, 2019

PDF Walk On From Pee Wee Dropout to the NFL SidelinesMy Unlikely Story of Football Purpose and Following an Amazing God Ben Malcolmson Patti McCord Pete Carroll 9780735291270 Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher Multnomah (July 17, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0735291276

Walk On From Pee Wee Dropout to the NFL SidelinesMy Unlikely Story of Football Purpose and Following an Amazing God Ben Malcolmson Patti McCord Pete Carroll 9780735291270 Books Reviews

  • this book is the story of Ben Malcolmson a USC student and writer on the school paper who covered the athletic teams. He deicides to try out for the 2006 USC Football team which was one of the best in the country featuring many future NFL players and coaches. Every year USC holds tryouts for walk on's, the author is not someone you would think had a chance to make it. He basically has no football experience having last played when he was 10 yrs. old and he is 165 pounds and doesn't like contact. He is however a strong runner which is an undertaking requiring a certain willpower which will be called on. The author is also a committed Christian and his faith is featured prominently throughout the book and it is tested often. both physically and mentally. The author overcomes many obstacles and disappointments in his quest to be a Trojan. This is an inspiring underdog story with a message. Ben Malcolmson felt that he was on a mission in his quest and his

    steps were directed by Jesus. Each chapter is summed up with a life lesson and a related Biblical scripture passage. Whether you are a football fan or not you will enjoy this story and benefit from it. if you are a fan you will recognize many names from the 2006, 2007 USC Trojans. Pete Carroll the head coach is featured prominently in this story and writes the foreword. While reading I couldn't help thinking of George Plimpton and his book "Paper Lion" and Notre Dames, "Rudy" . This is the USC version of those stories but with a Christian message. The only thing I felt was lacking in this story was pictures. I would have like to have seen a photo of the author in the uniform he worked so hard for. Recommended.
  • Walk On is an inspirational story of Ben Malcolmson’s time at USC. Ben’s story will encourage you to see the purpose for your life.

    As Ben tells his story you feel like you are walking this journey with him.
    At the end of every chapter, Ben includes a thought-provoking question that allows the reader to reflect on his or her own life.

    My favorite quote from Walk On is when Ben says, “Lights don’t really do anything. They don’t have to create events or facilitate gatherings; they just shine. So fulfilling my purpose meant just being light on that team. My presence was my purpose.”

    As Ben’s story unfolds, I found myself eagerly wanting to read the next chapter.
    Throughout this book, I found myself excited, surprised, shocked and humbled as Ben shared each part of his journey.

    Walk On is a story everyone should read. Even if you’re not a football fan, this story will encourage and motivate you to be the best you can be at whatever you do.

    Walk On will ignite your pursuit of the God-given purpose for your life.
  • It's a story about faith, purpose, patience and perseverance (and football). And no matter the doubts and obstacles, God uses the least likely of us to carry out His perfect will.

    It tells a chapter of my life (pun intended) that was both very difficult and rewarding at the same time. Of course Ben wouldn't be the same without the events of the book. But I doubt just how much people recognize how significantly this chapter affect the course of my life. How it helped me find passion, direction and purpose for my life.

    Admittingly, I felt I've lost that recently.

    It's crazy to read a book about events you personally lived. And a little scary. But its helped me remember the person I used to be and inspired me to be the person I want to be.

    The book tells an unbelievable story. The great part is that it's true.

  • Simple yet encouraging story about finding truth in your life. That life is not about you but that God has a plan and purpose so don’t lose hope or give up. He can use ordinary people to do extra ordinary things as long as you are willing.
  • Easily one of the best books I have ever read. I never leave reviews on products but I felt that I had too for this book. It’s an amazing story about faith, football, determination, grit, perseverance, inspiration, and so much more. Whether your a football fan or not, I highly recommend everybody reads this book. The best part for me is being able to recall the games in the book, but to have the games and certain plays described through a players perspective is just spectacular. Highly recommend 10/10. Very easy read as well.
  • Ben's story is an amazing and encouraging journey to which everyone can identify in one way or another, regardless of their current life experiences. The mini lessons and life applications at the end of each chapter were a favorite as they allowed me to take Ben's experience and reflect on how I live out each day of my life. Want to be inspired and encouraged? Then this is a great read.
  • Especially liked the way scripture was interwoven into story. That really added impact. A great story of commitment and Christian values. I will be forwarding a copy to our youth minister for his teenagers.
  • I loved this book. First of all the premise of walking on to USC’s team after not playing beyond 5th grade is fascinating. Second, the author tells some great stories about perseverance, courage and purpose and intertwines a great faith message while he’s at it.